作者: honeydanny
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[Freebies] Nice Valentine's Day cards

honeydanny 發表於 2010-2-6 19:21:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 7149|回覆: 4
I want to get my fiance a really nice valentines card, but i looked around and ramdonly picked up these two:1 |$ o* O. o1 A+ g# a. z, ^7 _( w+ H4 `
9 r6 O/ S" M# \1 _6 T

* r  F) w2 W& u7 }
2 u8 f# c4 P+ @0 U3 n! z2 }6 shttp://www.valentinegreetingcard ... &cat=sweetheart
. F7 ~/ B% h1 l( U5 D1 D5 z" u+ c/ Y- y  O
* i" u* v3 K) G0 s( ~: z# T ... ategory=&id=111, i) K1 x9 t2 B! ?- s' K! c
1 ~: S9 F- S, s" O3 g4 z& l( o. b; J
, ^( Q# Q' L& _# j  N  K

- }) W3 p) P, Vwhat do you think about it? Can you just pick up one for me?
 樓主| honeydanny 發表於 2010-2-7 23:15:20 | 顯示全部樓層


I personally like the first one!
 樓主| honeydanny 發表於 2010-2-9 18:46:34 | 顯示全部樓層


Last year a friend at work gave me a scrap of paper wadded up.# s& C. r: v1 n" ~
Unfolded it read....# @, W! L7 }4 Q, ^

" B- Z  R0 r  k"Money's tight and time's is hard so this is your FU***** Valentines card"
otaiwan 發表於 2010-2-10 05:14:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 honeydanny 於 2010-2-9 06:46 PM 發表
; i& P' v$ x: ?- G$ m9 V" `Last year a friend at work gave me a scrap of paper wadded up.
) \! i9 N" A* D5 h' XUnfolded it read....: K! u) k4 r3 J2 z

$ F  x' P5 y# W" C"Money's tight and time's is hard so this is your FU***** Valentines card"

' C5 t$ c( Y9 N! n) ?! C3 p, Q( z, }3 E" G8 w8 S. x1 i; o
+ W2 Z; ^7 j) z6 E/ R2 }
otaiwan 發表於 2010-2-10 05:15:35 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 honeydanny 於 2010-2-6 07:21 PM 發表 1 K; @' {* }' {9 ~
I want to get my fiance a really nice valentines card, but i looked around and ramdonly picked up these two:% n* F, {9 {+ ?2 h5 L. b6 w# q% a

, L5 V3 c$ L$ Z9 }# q6 l+ k( |' A 3 t4 L2 N. P3 C6 ~" T& `, p  {

% b$ ?# u) l, n+ uhttp://www.valentinegreetingcard ... &cat=sweetheart
% ~3 q  |. D8 L
; h' j6 `$ a3 c: [7 [% G
; P9 V% y" b8 \8 A1 Y5 [ ...
' t) H$ {$ _% C+ k! w8 }
  \  s  H) ^4 b, O5 E1 V
I prefer the first series...
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