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hotddt 發表於 2005-12-23 00:43:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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大家看看唷,過來美國第一件是就是一定要去考駕照: K5 Z3 A/ w( G4 b7 ?" X6 j3 l- @
/ a" z& V* _. r% e
第一關: 筆試. a0 Z7 M  |2 X! D6 H
9 d9 l) D5 {5 l- M  G1 o: @ O7 e" ]0 e! |, z' n! x
+ ]' F, e$ o+ M
' {3 i4 J  p( g5 i0 X" E3 C, q/ q: [+ Q0 G5 [% @. y: H5 x

+ x2 f- {3 E  @* t7 E考場示意圖 (別懷疑,站著寫)
- p1 s5 L0 i: `  ?! \7 V/ c dmv_ca.jpg
# a( |7 u7 \8 i3 y8 p0 J: v
- l8 A+ q4 x- l% ]
, i3 U" b+ J; T$ \" ]第二關: 路考! h' Z3 M4 X9 n9 d: e3 e, C

% Q3 o4 I! B0 F" k" X6 K路邊停車 (parallel parking)2 K( B+ x9 N) `$ K5 o
; D& |% F6 s! C: ^$ }1 h" n& U5 K' s2 {8 J$ a
  r1 Y4 w0 y6 E# E) o3 t* H/ }  o, m
三點式迴轉 (3 point turn)3 \4 l/ P8 H  V7 o% N
yun0067 發表於 2006-4-10 22:51:27 | 顯示全部樓層
英文版看不懂呢!!( w: H0 e6 x% D, z
我是剛來這讀語文的( C! g) y8 m& a9 f2 G( _  o1 _
* c( M9 y' \0 f$ ^2 V+ k那個台版試題是完全都有嗎??
* u, o+ U/ _8 U7 w7 V) a還有什麼要注意的嗎
Blueted 發表於 2006-4-11 00:51:53 | 顯示全部樓層
記得我考的時候是拿了幾份考古題背了一下& A1 T$ X* J5 M% z* ]% E5 r0 ?
結果出的題目都差不多 就過了
Josie 發表於 2006-4-11 08:27:21 | 顯示全部樓層
如果只是筆試要過 那去找中文考古題背一背
" D) l5 L9 v- B很簡單就會過了
2 \* ]- G5 v0 X% y  T" w$ ~. B" V6 z$ ^5 P5 C+ W
可是隨之而來的路考 就需要好好K過駕照手冊才行9 N5 s  B# _8 s* B$ [
不然基本規則都不懂 不僅很難考過路考
. t7 t( [9 c8 ?; O; p  `5 q上路時更是危險的
Dawn 發表於 2006-9-11 00:58:46 | 顯示全部樓層


這裡有份最近的這個月的考題題目& |! O: t9 o; \) x1 b
供參考 是試卷04 7 p2 P' Z3 @0 J2 z) E9 D
California Driver’s Examination 04) i; t1 z+ o$ i; \& b: }" y
7 n% R8 w% H8 }) |  I: \' a' _
1.You must notify DMV within 5 days if you:
7 Y. s; e$ E- i  oA.Are cited for a traffic violation
. _* A6 q* f, V' A! y$ o) \B.Sell or transfer your vehicle
0 D* o" ~2 A/ `, B  S* y' eC.Paint your vehicle a different color. e3 A: R; i% Y2 i' O  W; r3 x! Z
2.It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration that is ____ or higher
! x" E8 {; A; ?3 Z# sA.0.01%- x: H7 z5 ~4 J& n
6 y$ c; O# y2 r9 S2 t0 k* _+ \. N5 sC.0.05%6 x2 O: d% l- }$ k' N# k2 @
3.You should dim your lights for oncoming vehicles or when you are within 300 feet of a vehicle3 O) Y) o3 n% z5 j are approaching from behind5 }( b8 M! g+ a$ g7 l! u$ ^3 C/ H
B.Approaching you from behind
3 B2 l4 l. Y$ `C.You have already passed' _4 x5 n, U2 c% }. _4 ?) l
4.Before getting out of your parked car on the traffic side of the street, you should
) H" e. @9 q" W! Q4 DA.Give a arm signal that you are exiting your vehicle
7 p; p1 ~! T# n+ o3 x- mB.Turn on your left turn signal8 m! x1 @/ }9 |
C.Check traffic approaching from behind0 t+ H! O5 n9 V( A+ K
5.To make a right turn onto a two-way street from a two-way street, start in the right-hand lane and end in:7 |- `( @  e7 S1 G) {' T
A.The left lane9 X6 v. S' V9 @4 ?
B.The lane closest to the curb
- ~& B0 e9 r4 t6 L/ n5 d- PC.Any lane that is available
. \$ c& J1 e. d$ I) m6.You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your turn, you should:
- d% n  R4 w! A) dA.Turn off your engine until the person crosses the street" p" B" d# [, z" @0 _: `4 z. t
B.Tell the pedestrian when to cross the street
5 q0 b3 d* c: e# P; {  XC.Wait until the person crosses the street
. Z) m/ w  b0 T" u. U7.You are at a red traffic signal. The traffic light turns green, but there are still other vehicles in the intersection. You should:2 G) x1 j" J8 {0 D2 {( m- P
A.Wait until the vehicles clear the intersection before entering9 K6 Q, p$ d2 j; j
B.Move ahead only if you can go around the other vehicles safely
3 ^+ z0 L& M3 s. |$ ?3 T1 s! kC.Enter the intersection and wait for traffic to clear0 T" u$ q" M' B2 \+ |0 p) `
8.When you back up in a passenger vehicle:& P5 G( T' i  l) B0 F2 Q
A.Rely on your rearview mirror* Q% V3 w- l7 o
B.Look over your right shoulder through your rear window
6 \' u+ k8 P2 DC.Only use your side and rearview mirrors
; P7 q! b4 f9 M6 u: J+ C9 p6 H9.A law enforcement officer notices that one of your passengers is not wearing a seat belt and writes a citation. Which of the following is true?3 r+ }/ R  P2 R* n
A.Both you and your passenger will receive a citation
6 q5 \/ F+ r+ Z( a3 O; }7 dB.Your passenger will receive a citation regardless of his or her age; {8 o* H# p4 q8 H7 N9 Q8 b7 C
C.You may receive the citation if the passenger is 15 or younger! D2 O/ ~2 f; I3 k. y. @2 j
10.The “tree-second rule” applies to the space ____ of your vehicle
' n2 q, B' W& T. r1 e/ ]+ S0 NA.In back. M: l7 f6 P* G
B.Ahead8 K; D1 X; b6 }( P
C.To the sides
) ]2 l/ e' l) q9 @11.“Wrong Way” sign means:
- j5 h3 S( k2 lA.The road ahead is closed to traffic in your direction
( W4 v1 w, Z) |# J: ~+ s  RB.Do not enter the road ahead unless it is safe to do so: ^1 S6 V0 S( V. h4 Y% M
C.The road ahead is closed to traffic in all direction
9 k' h4 Z! G( K) j& ?12.When driving in traffic at night on a dimly lit street, you should:% F2 b/ h  U5 g2 D2 H1 K. `6 q
A.Drive slowly enough so you can stop within the area lighted by your headlight6 L# I; v& h' B- ^9 T8 t
B.Turn on your high beam headlight to better see the vehicles directly ahead of you
( r2 p+ H3 p& o* H$ W5 qC.Keep instrument lights bright to be more visible to other drivers* y; @* @# V& \% O  d5 j# ^
13.You should always turn on your emergency flashers when:
8 x% Z  C6 E; V- stop near a curb painted red( o+ w" W$ j5 y  x% Y# [( X are driving in heavy fog
+ ]. o  s0 O& q+ R# X; F# SC.Your car has broken down on the roadway9 `8 ]) W1 \4 Y
14.You may legally drive in any freeway carpool lane if:
; b1 N: J2 F" k. M5 e0 E6 @; rA.All the other lanes are stopped with heavy traffic
0 o1 B4 N6 H) G( dB.You carry the minimum number of persons shown on the sign
" g5 G9 O  V5 W) g4 a, `' VC.It is between the hours of 7PM and & 7AM8 U" Z3 f+ V: a
15.“YIELD” sign means:
/ O1 f/ L6 O2 y* o# ~A.Other drivers must yield to you
" J% {2 S1 i; D* d4 ~B.Give the right-of–way to other drivers
' ~) U$ w1 N; a0 R$ ?C.Make a complete stop before asserting your right-of-way. p+ I0 ]  ]7 k3 u
16.Always look carefully for motorcycles before changing lanes because:
( E! K" U3 [) S/ \/ UA.Their smaller size makes them harder to see
' C8 ]' @% ~8 Q& dB.They usually have the right-of-way at intersection+ {. J1 S3 q9 s6 X/ x$ h' g+ G
C.It is illegal for motorcycles to share traffic lanes
; r9 i/ b# W4 J17.When you enter traffic from a stop (ex: pulling away from the curb), you:
4 L2 ]' f& n: A2 s5 nA.Should drive slower than other traffic for 200 feets& j$ c4 X- L9 j* c4 v
B.Need a large enough gap to get up to the speed of traffic
3 |1 Y( h$ c* a5 U7 o, m: `C.Should wait for the first vehicle to pass, then pull into the lane, S  d. R: a* X; e
18.When roads are slippery, you should:
6 O& ?8 E2 E4 e$ iA.Avoid making fast turns and fast stops
) L" c. B5 g2 v: X4 N. cB.Pump your brakes to test the traction of your tires( }$ Q5 B( W+ C; A0 m3 Z
C.Decrease the distance that you look ahead of your vehicle
7 b0 ]* H2 T$ f1 q6 b  K' k' r5 F  l19.If the roadway is wet and your car starts to skid, you should:
( m6 O5 v0 d( d4 |A.Slowly ease your foot off the gas pedal
7 z/ P; ?6 d, J! @4 LB.Slow down by shifting to a lower gear  O, x/ Q/ e! h# @/ G
C.Slow down by pumping the breaks quickly and firmly1 u! y2 Z7 A+ l+ @% j
20.If there is a signal set of solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway, you:8 v9 D. X# c: A0 d8 V8 Q
A.May cross the lines to turn left into a private driveway
( c  S% `3 T& N6 h; ?! B' ~B.Are on a two-lane one-way street- I( X& P- c$ d! ]: y" Y. e# _
C.Should treat the lines as a solid wall and not cross for any reason
& D3 h2 G$ W, X2 D5 a21.Generally speaking, you are in a large truck’s blind spot if you:
, r6 b- J9 s" m, t* gA.Drive close to the large truck’s left side mirror5 b, A( a$ ^& c; x) m8 V
B.Can’t see the truck driver in the truck’s side mirrors
5 o2 q& k  c# ~" b" @: aC.Follow no closer than ten feet behind the large truck
) p1 L: Q& C1 _# A$ ^' r6 {22.At night, of an oncoming vehicle fails to dim its high beams, look:, e! i) p8 W8 N1 Y' G  R% o" ~, y
A.Toward the center of the roadway1 f, v: {1 o) T% |0 [3 r
B.Toward the right edge of your lane8 U( q& d6 _( o. ^' A4 F! t7 l* @
C.Straight ahead in your lane0 q- o* k+ D! T
23. You have consented to take a test for the alcohol content of your blood or urine:: Z/ i/ V7 D. j$ M: T, N" {1 D
A. Only if you have been drinking alcohol
' D3 D/ P8 A+ c4 v2 dB. Whenever you drive in California! I# C5 I$ f) v# z& Q$ G
C. Only of an accident has occurred0 j5 E& R3 k  f: _4 O6 E1 w
24. Which way should your front wheel be turned when parked uphill next to a curb?
5 n1 O6 n7 v6 @; ^5 T9 K/ c2 h, P) f   A. Parallel to the curb; v2 v' c7 Z  X
   B. Away from the curb- y5 ]5 e6 L  a) P6 M; [% |5 v
   C. Toward the curb
3 k2 T  F/ B0 M% r2 s! i' w/ n1 M" b25. You are going to make a left turn from a dedicated left turn lane when a yellow arrow appears for your lane, you should
( H+ s: N: Y6 }   A. Speed up to get through the intersection
' N4 w# z' l' b9 z' x   B. Stop and not turn under any circunstances' @) }: B& S: W& X( I
   C. Be prepared to obey the next signal that appears
* F; k- y; u8 O6 g9 [; W26 On a green arrow, you must:7 ?8 @$ L+ J+ p$ G6 v) y
   A. Yeild to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection
0 a1 G5 \4 G3 i3 e. D   B. Yeild only to pedestrians in the intersection9 G; x! p% T' Y- e" ], P( z
   C. Wait five seconds before proceeding
) j+ U5 K6 v) p4 N7 m9 M4 G: q27. When passing another vehicle, it is safe to return to your lane if you:/ `  C1 B# m  i1 b% N
   A. Cannot see the vehicle directly to your right( {8 P9 {; t) {! |% ?
   B. See the vehicle’s headlights in your rearview mirror! p7 A; X: g. f5 S5 v
   C. Have passed the other vehicle’s front bumper- ]# n/ p# e" R9 k5 w* I- r
28. Parking is NEVER permitted:2 u5 G+ n) B0 ?# K
   A. In a crosshatched pattern space
2 g6 _, f+ E9 Z3 L/ D; J+ D' L0 _& x% O   B. Twenty feet from a railroad track- h" M. \7 i1 E9 X9 {* w
   C. In a bicycle lane, unless otherwise posted) z1 k6 W2 K8 u+ ~1 ^- E& B! T
29. If you see orange construction signs or cones on a freeway, youmust:
8 g3 B; j4 o2 q0 W   A. Slow down because the lane ends ahead
% S; o7 v3 m) l   B. Be prepared for workers and equipments ahead9 v: P, D# r. _! }0 `( n. q
   C. Change lanes and maintain your current speed% s/ A$ b7 [% v/ W  Y6 I. `) I# a+ E/ S
30. Following closely behind another vehicle (tailgating):
& z2 D: T2 y6 u  V. `   A. Increase fuel efficiency. ^, [7 p/ A, Y9 x# e. i; v/ N
   B. Is a common cause of rear-end accicdents% h' D0 T, N: n) ?
   C. Helps keep traffic moving
3 H: b7 b* f" X( M; I( i+ V' \* e; U31. Before driving into an intersection from a stop, you should look:
6 q. f0 T. l* j3 q   A. Left and right only
% U6 y/ [6 L, O% l   B. Straight ahead and to the left
0 ~. c1 ?/ k( p$ e5 A. c. g   C. Left, right and then left again. U" k  V% R# _; X
32. You must yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle by:. [8 q6 l% O* S1 _. p
   A. Driving as near to the right edge of the road as possible and stopping& R# Q( h  X1 z8 b
   B. Moving into the right lane and driving slowly until it has passed2 m5 E% W' l7 ^, C. X
   C. Stopping immediately, even if you are in an intersection8 [! K7 V6 ~, A% k
33. When traffic is slow and heavy and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the upcoming intersection, you should:' y2 }' a1 r/ D
  A. Stop between the crossing gates in case they close! D/ @$ z. j( D; R" N/ h; B& b0 z
  B. Stop on the tracks and wait for your light to turn green2 t5 R/ ?; r& g# F9 ?& H5 y2 _
  C. Wait until you can completely cross the tracks before proceeding
( b8 Y- G: f, Q8 f/ i+ ?8 p; D34. If you have an accident, the law requires you to exchange your driver license information with:
4 w' Q2 @$ f- \; |   A. Witnesses  D8 j7 r( Y* l$ C
   B. Others involved in the accident6 w0 w' H  `# [. z4 k
   C. Security guards- V  V. z: q. z- w! ^
35. If a pedestrian is in a crosswalk in the middle of the block:
$ w1 G* l4 Q8 C6 F$ x; T+ Y   A. The pedestrian has the right-of-way1 {0 D0 j# Z/ u1 b% P1 d9 @
   B. The pedestrian must yield the right-of-way
- F* R9 b( G- J( d/ E2 U( {   C. Vehicles have the right-of-way, but drivers must legally take care for the pedestrian’s safety
8 A8 Y6 M! v6 G4 G- r. x36. U-Turns in residential districts are legal:
! |  d, b! i# X# C   A. On a one-way street at a green arrow" n7 R% [2 z! Q3 ]) P& p$ W
   B. When there are no vehicles approaching nearby
: Y5 Z. T3 t# s, b8 @) g. y   C. Across two sets of solid double, yellow lines
Hua 發表於 2006-9-11 07:49:52 | 顯示全部樓層
3 y/ H: g5 D/ Z) ~0 C  a+ F可是...........答案...........了解, 自己找........
Lemnacea 發表於 2006-12-24 01:14:16 | 顯示全部樓層
taipei 發表於 2007-9-17 07:03:54 | 顯示全部樓層


* _8 Q) y# v' C _) k  a6 l' u7 s2 B( L( L; z
0 U1 u, u& t* x2 ^! l
祝大家考試順利,我個人認為英文考試較易,需要本人協助請聯絡本人1 j8 A1 N+ J, r' }7 U$ M
shinji 發表於 2007-9-17 08:14:18 | 顯示全部樓層
% U0 P+ @/ s3 p" H$ o" `: T: p, L9 c0 ^題目有小改,可以配合之前網路流傳的那五份考古題一起看
, m5 p* L6 Q) W* z# y感謝Ivy的提供


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sunnytp 發表於 2008-4-16 08:00:22 | 顯示全部樓層

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