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[海外工作經驗談] 拿H1 在美國進修

Meng 發表於 2009-5-3 08:51:17 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 21817|回覆: 10
6 p: ?; a' V# F2 V) C8 P( ~+ e我前幾個星期知道我拿到H1* {( |+ a/ @0 M9 c
- C! E1 [+ ^  T- t$ U聽說,拿H1的身份,學費是跟美國人一樣
% l9 ]# E! Z# W9 O/ e2 E  A2 x' m但我也聽說,是要拿到了的一年後,才是跟美國人一樣4 o: ~# N6 `$ S) ]* p
2 N8 R1 L: i' X- \有沒有人知道這方面?
- p: V8 s, S' x; W3 l$ g或,我去哪可知道這訊息哩?
3 u) u" ^# f# @謝謝唷
Hua 發表於 2009-5-3 09:42:53 | 顯示全部樓層
好像citizen才能享有local community的便宜學費吧
roy777 發表於 2009-5-3 10:12:32 | 顯示全部樓層
我本來想,  |1 @' Z2 t. S3 D( ?; r
照著報稅身份來認定應該算合理吧,# |- m7 N) q; V6 H4 G' j
如果在加州繳 resident 的稅,
2 B1 [$ c" V; Q% I那麼享受 resident 的權利,
6 h7 Q8 s/ v# L" G9 x' M; Z6 }6 O這應該的嘛.  
, e" {# F8 e3 R  A" x0 c% C, W, W
, [, h- {( C( F0 Y根據這網頁,
+ E# J1 X! v0 b, @7 F4 j& ?CSU East Bay Residency
' ?, i3 S* N& Q+ p2 D& y. |) c3 U5 S"To be considered a California resident, an adult applicant must haveestablished and maintained permanent residence in California for atleast one year prior to the residency determination date."3 M+ Q3 \8 F2 u0 e1 V! y9 e
如果是H1-B的話,- i9 k2 J; h9 t- o" p! a
6 A& ~7 Z5 a2 k1 \2 y6 h綠卡或公民才算是permanent., r% F8 P5 B; \9 s& B
這是我的解讀啦," g) Y5 m. `/ U
/ `4 O( l7 h$ U) o% D* p& ^: U& G. ^- u, c! [' q5 Q
其實,/ o% G6 |, c/ Q. A7 y2 m  I
如果你前幾週才拿到H1身份,8 z( j) Y7 u' f4 C
應該更不可能符合加州 resident 的規定,' j- b* r- j( B
因為加州 resident 最起碼要住滿一年以上,$ q; g4 |- f# @, ^$ y2 j* u% b
+ @4 i4 Y, G6 ~就完全不是 resident 了,; c* \+ T+ Z+ z! @
或者你之前是別的身份或者別的狀況?) T9 e8 e* p8 @9 B# v3 j
/ q5 i' F4 J6 {3 U  F6 M
[ 本帖最後由 roy777 於 2009-5-3 10:19 AM 編輯 ]
 樓主| Meng 發表於 2009-5-3 11:25:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 roy777 於 2009-5-3 10:12 AM 發表
& e9 [) s% e9 i2 ?( l我本來想,, s; B; ~) h$ U! [3 F
照著報稅身份來認定應該算合理吧,! n% R( Z) C" f: L/ k/ X) X! D
如果在加州繳 resident 的稅,
3 a9 n6 z! V) v8 R1 Z那麼享受 resident 的權利,
9 k( o/ [' I- `  ?* B0 |: i這應該的嘛.  
3 k; p5 d0 L& {8 m
, Z0 Y7 ?; D- U: d8 A* p可是事實上好像不是這樣,3 e  v& f; F( h2 U. j/ o5 W
& f) w8 |5 y0 FCSU East Bay Residency
4 V, h8 a; F( J6 S- A" v"To be considered a C ...

- @# I" S+ H: D3 n
5 k/ u. y" H. H( z3 t0 B% i+ v我現在是opt,今年10月就是H1
& C( w$ h; D7 z7 I8 J謝謝你的解釋唷
2 D" ~, h4 [; O+ R3 L* i我模湖的記憶裡是…: z' A; l4 |9 i9 R& p) v; E
CSUEB的international student advsior---Kelly (如果沒記錯他的名字)
% }" Q: s7 g/ m5 }$ q  j好像是他跟我說的,but..anyway
5 L6 F% a+ `" Y我會再確定一下。
/ `" L7 q$ j8 D/ m謝謝你唷。
Kenny_lee 發表於 2009-5-3 19:27:28 | 顯示全部樓層
The bottom line is that you are California tax payer. I did my master degree while on H1-B and paid resident fee after I held H1 over one year. Save me a lot of money :)
Bingo 發表於 2009-5-3 19:32:37 | 顯示全部樓層
' ]5 ?3 }) R3 T* u  s1 Z' V0 a" t8 H2 R' y
不過7 \0 X% x  O5 Z3 @; |( G4 c
/ g% w, N4 ^! k' ^, _% K
tico 發表於 2009-5-4 06:14:27 | 顯示全部樓層
I guess it depends on the school. For example, U.C. Davis allows H-1 to be resident:. x' U3 e4 [. u- Z- o+ q
Who is a Resident?% L' a; D& I: G
If you are an adult student (18 years of age or older) you may establish residence for tuition purposes in California if: (1) you are a U.S. citizen; (2) you are a permanent resident or other immigrant; or (3) you are a nonimmigrant who is not precluded from establishing a domicile in the U.S. Nonimmigrants who are not precluded from establishing a domicile in the U.S. include those who hold visas of the following types: A, E, G, H-1, H-4, I, K, L, N, NATO, O-1, O-3, R, or V. To establish residence you must be physically present in California for more than one year and you must have come here with the intent to make California your home as opposed to coming to this state to go to school. Physical presence within the state solely for educational purposes does not constitute the establishment of California residence, regardless of the length of your stay. You must demonstrate your intention to make California your home by severing your residential ties with your former state of residence and establishing those ties with California. Evidence of intent must be dated one year before the term for which you seek resident classification. If these steps are delayed, the one-year durational period will be extended until you have demonstrated both presence and intent for one full year. If your parents do not meet the University's requirements for residence for tuition purposes, you are required to be financially independent in order to be a resident for tuition purposes; see Requirement for Financial Independence, below." q" k* ?* c& g$ t" S0 \2 f& b

. e2 x- s! n4 c( Q% v8 Y4 h' G% I. NYour residence cannot be derived from your spouse, registered domestic partner, or your parent.

! ]- _* T; b+ JSource: ... ndix/residency.html
0 V" p4 J. c4 C3 ?6 ~4 ^- ^3 }/ U8 }! @1 b0 |
University of California (systemwide) >>> H1, H4, TN, TD resident
0 ]$ m+ I" l  U, }7 KCalifornia State University (systemwide) >>> H1, H4 resident; TN, TD non-resident (being appealed)
. \1 ^3 A, e) G# g' @' K5 f, d( o
咫呎天邊 發表於 2009-5-6 00:32:50 | 顯示全部樓層
稅法上的 Resident 和 移民法的 Resident 是不一樣的。( T7 p8 d! n  u0 b* W
國稅局和移民局是二個完全分開的機構,他們對於 Resident 的定義也不一樣。
$ g7 D9 {8 z6 q7 g+ _% y以前在會計師事務所的的時候,有特別注意到這個定義。
8 z3 x( N8 R3 i* W" i
. h% D( q% K4 k( d8 s學費的優惠,是給移民法上所謂的 Resident。" H+ J* F1 P0 [/ z) a3 p2 i
H-1 只是稅法上的 Resident,所以是不會有優惠的。$ S) C# G) S# }. w8 \5 m; q2 z

6 }# k# h$ q0 [* z: d& j[ 本帖最後由 evawu1125 於 2009-5-6 12:34 AM 編輯 ]
Bingo 發表於 2009-5-6 05:14:47 | 顯示全部樓層
5 N8 s. v& a9 e3 l3 p) H1 g- B+ k" J5 k# t" b* f6 }! f1 b
, s4 N3 N! h" r9 Q9 }+ _
/ G5 U+ W! N# i' W- T4 D; C
在當地州連續居住一年以上,則建立起residency,那麼是可以按當州居民享有學費優惠  }2 h7 x/ Z. e

. M$ ~9 v! X3 m6 Q- B; y2 \我不是律師,不能當真,要查証
 樓主| Meng 發表於 2009-5-6 19:10:14 | 顯示全部樓層
9 F3 {8 [3 E! m4 k  D我想我會問清楚再修課的,
8 R2 p( F. r8 N2 }( o, o謝謝大家
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