作者: jandc1001
檢視: 14061|回覆: 6


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jandc100 發表於 2006-8-7 17:58:34 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 14061|回覆: 6
我是今年秋季班的學生8 o& `4 S7 w7 M; C4 F
我是女生( o, t3 r* `, }. ~) V
想找房子跟室友6 g4 i7 P9 m# h3 r8 N
可是都找不到台灣同學會0 f$ A5 w* Q" q/ i) I! e
現在覺得很傷腦筋* Q/ W- ^: k( z+ l1 \. o$ i" J6 |
8 _+ E' b% |$ P7 o% l' B3 g: g" ~可以一起呢
Hua 發表於 2006-8-7 21:36:50 | 顯示全部樓層
# p) M+ q& Z) B, e- w/ Z/ J% t" d' o
Overseas Chinese Student Association(海外中國同學會)
7 s6 j. q1 g& ^! ~/ @% y+ K# W永久通訊處:OCSA, CSULA, 5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032
2 n: a& R. d  T. s/ a( n* y3 ?# Q同學會網頁:
8 }9 K% T+ U7 [6 K/ T同學會 Email:
" K# l: N) ^( p; z8 C% H5 _" G會長: 胡正輝
+ z- M7 g4 l) SEmail:
toughros 發表於 2006-8-9 04:20:31 | 顯示全部樓層


If you need to find a place or other help, I can post for you in their local group SCCF.  We just have a party with them in LA.  You can also email me or you can come to my birthday party today and just add my msn we also have guests from LA.  If you don't find their group, SCCF is for mostly people graduated from that area, you may get even more help.  Let me know if you have any question!
) B% w$ Q9 t) s, O" t
& G! C% Y8 E, n8 I; UAngel in DC, AAWSC
jandc100 發表於 2006-8-9 10:30:48 | 顯示全部樓層
- S& _7 d  r* ?$ |$ r+ o! e因為我一直都找不到台灣同學" Z: ]( J* N+ j+ C+ i' B
5 Z- W3 ~- O" t現在覺得很溫暖很開心$ S. O  D6 P6 A0 m" Z% J
  W5 G' `  u1 `- ?* J3 R% F5 p
( ?  B1 P5 X' m1 R2 Y1 ?[ 本帖最後由 jandc1001 於 2006-8-9 11:11 AM 編輯 ]
hotddt 發表於 2006-8-9 11:38:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 jandc1001 於 2006-8-9 10:30 AM 發表
/ z- ~! Q2 j3 V% j嗯真的謝謝你們2 ?8 [+ a- R( r! D# m* \3 x! c- g
因為我一直都找不到台灣同學; P1 d& K, Z  n/ S5 o" e
9 q4 p: n$ _4 O: n" G7 m現在覺得很溫暖很開心5 j( L$ u/ I4 H5 f. {6 g1 V

8 y3 [1 R0 o( ?3 t8 c# U* r$ ]% [. n
, l7 h% a5 h. {7 U( W! ?5 V
toughros 發表於 2006-8-9 13:51:03 | 顯示全部樓層


Their school has a lot of Taiwanese students before, but I will ask for you and let you know.  Did you have phone number that I can call?  If you are still in Taiwan, you can give me phone but not cellular.
+ N( X1 D! b6 q/ f1 vI will let you know soon.( C  o& @! ?+ v* B- V

- K/ w/ j  I& m* v& V# B; oAngel in DC
! W  L8 I- {0 r9 G3 J9 J; }; ~p.s. By the way if you can log on msn on this Friday, many LA people would be there at day, you can ask them directly.  Just add my msn; z3 L- U, y& f, V) n' u9 @# F# s" b! n+ i4 n
By the way, does you try the site
8 _! K  H, P8 B6 b* B0 }that David gave you earlier?+ N' L1 `9 [2 c. y, o" b

/ @; e9 o9 D( e' h' c" V& k& @Contact us
$ m* V0 E$ Y& w+ x: d9 F  cyou can email us to
& {; h; E& @6 b1 R- R5 V: k( ~4 `or you can contact our staffs individually 6 `- K3 J- `" @1 _( K
Z 626-673-2868 9 a9 @2 [3 ^$ n$ V
Jason 626-291-2768
" |* A6 L/ g8 j$ K- DPaul 626-487-7283 (cell) 2 b5 l1 I$ n+ k$ U! ?' h+ l1 M( b

1 @. f5 t: [/ |/ q$ A; \8 m3 G5 `
3 u. Z) @3 I! b5 j
+ w# I7 ]5 J* x4 w. z# D7 q2 t- e0 t4 K" k
I call Paul and also email him and he will contact u!
" I9 c$ m! B2 J# V  [2 @: g: n) g$ n' t4 Y# U
Angel 5 k5 V3 |/ f( {6 H0 @
2 R, ^% Y( k4 u3 z/ W
chowwen chang <> 說:1 Y! {$ `: L4 m
/ g- X7 c7 c/ W我是USTSU上妳留言給我的同學! a8 F& ^; \7 c8 ?' {5 `
我今年要到csula唸書1 x4 h! T1 d$ Y" t# M
& Y7 _3 ~0 A( w6 E3 A; |2 E! @因為這家學校同學會的網站都是很舊的資料1 ]( e8 L/ E; n9 }" T$ E( c
$ I! A+ Z9 }% w* G% {想請問一下* c( y% ~) m7 q
( S5 I$ P/ N, {4 n* Z  @可以先認識同學5 `# t" n9 ]2 M
一起去找房子之類的. \8 ~5 J, q' L2 x* `4 o! O
還是這家學校台灣人本來就很少?0 C0 a) F& S* W6 P  Q. e; ^+ Z
謝謝你的幫忙喔!!3 Q8 n) V; U6 ?# l; Q  K

( ~, r" N; x8 v, R
) f+ @; u3 L& _( ?
4 k/ q$ O6 E0 i5 L" c" f- c___________________________________________________ 4 z0 |/ }. l% h
最新版 Yahoo!奇摩即時通訊 7.0,免費網路電話任你打! / d% d5 b8 _; B3 p3 p
bluejean 發表於 2006-8-20 23:26:59 | 顯示全部樓層


) I7 ~/ w( Q2 \, ^8 ^你是來學英文ㄉ嗎? 我是指ELP 還是啥麼ㄉ... 那ㄍ嗎? % E4 e$ z; M" B! d
如果是你來上英文的 那你就會遇到台灣人
( t6 z2 }$ ^$ S0 t2 x事ㄉ我ㄇ學校ㄉ台灣人 少ㄉ可憐唷~3 c0 u& R5 A! M$ E% Z
2 s% Z  ^/ E! c) r0 S. d如果你是 regular student (向我一樣)
7 u4 `* ^+ J. v* {; N遇到台灣人ㄉ機率應該是 0.0000000000000000001% 3 n3 A7 Y5 Z4 R/ J
! I: j+ V1 N- C, P$ ^6 _! I, C) O: q* J
我是住學校宿舍ㄉ 0 o: c- [6 _2 n, E/ u
埃唷你家我ㄉ msn拉是 solar_jeans@hotmail.com8 a5 ?9 E, m+ J
你需要登入後才可以回覆 登入 | 成為會員



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