作者: milly0115
檢視: 15617|回覆: 4


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单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach
爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租900爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租900
爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租850爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租850


milly011 發表於 2006-8-14 21:55:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 15617|回覆: 4
! R" _- ~! D* L: \  |由於我今年才剛從大學畢業~算是應屆畢業生..直到7/7才寄出畢業證書跟完整四年的成績單~! Z  \8 c- g5 |; h. k

0 t( j' T# P( J學校說我的I-20已經在7/28寄出了~但我至今未收到!~/ C  [" @7 W" k
5 O+ L; b& [& E5 C- @事實上我也還沒收過學校寄給我的任何書面資料..開始覺得很詭異..
" f: s# {, k7 \5 _( x5 M
; m: M$ y% v: ~到現在我不知道我是不是該先租房子(看上了一間在Cumberland Place,San Jose, CA,95125..但也還未跟對方連絡)
7 n: S4 ?! z' m6 {8 P  y; h機票也還無法訂~更別提選課了..
! G, m9 u( L# m& p現在全部卡在I-20上~
# i* ?; W0 L3 n* V, K/ N我不知道我現在能做些什麼?
" B' I0 y" T% H* v2 i各位學長姐~是否建議我先租房子?這一間的附近環境怎麼樣?有人知道嗎?0 t4 Q4 V0 ]) Z8 z, x
* Z( M7 {/ l7 a9 C# k* o5 ^有人可以提供我意見嗎?
. e; H9 c  P0 e  B3 A9 f0 Z+ w* S8 L1 i, Q1 d+ c* e
Kenny_le 發表於 2006-8-14 22:58:11 | 顯示全部樓層
You should schedule an appointment with AIT ASAP since it might take some time. As for I-20, you might want to call SJSU international student office (IPS). No matter what, you should be able to register for class first since you can always drop it without penality as long as it before first week of class. If you need local help, shoot me an e-mail or MSN me I will try my best.
jerhan 發表於 2006-8-15 12:13:33 | 顯示全部樓層
call SJSU international student office (IPS) first.... you can do nothing without I-20.
alumini 發表於 2006-8-16 09:37:01 | 顯示全部樓層
contact your school right away. Try international student office as soon as you can, you need to talk to them by yourself, but not waiting on this board.
milly011 發表於 2006-8-16 18:47:10 | 顯示全部樓層


SJSU has resent it for me....they said that I may receive it in 3~4 days.
* ?$ I& H  h% j- ?0 e  t' p& Y$ ^, C; b0 ]) e" n( K
I hope that I can receive it soon!
3 u6 }2 d0 Y0 n5 y
" C1 M* |$ x8 _5 Y: w+ f謝謝大家!
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