作者: Hua
檢視: 5749|回覆: 0


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[Freebies] Free brewed coffee @ Starbucks

Hua 發表於 2010-4-14 16:20:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 5749|回覆: 0
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Tomorrow Thursday 4/15/10, your fresh brewed Starbucks coffee is free.  
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The pre-qualify condition is that you will have to bring your own re-useable travel mug.   ) H: [1 R; v$ ]+ j+ ~8 q
The objective is to save the earth from cutting more trees. On your curtsey to respond this action, please click on "Make A Pledge" tab and sign up.  All you need to do is put your name down. 3 }2 d2 Z  G( Z* I1 e2 _' B
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