作者: andreachen02
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[Coupons] Discount price for "The Original RENAISSANCE Pleasure Faire"‏

andreachen02 發表於 2011-4-18 12:36:46 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4839|回覆: 0
If you are interested to go “The Original RENAISSANCE Pleasure Faire” ( )
! O5 k* p6 K' i3 \and it’s too late to purchase the early bird price.
# I) K: n1 q2 a9 mUniv. of the West have joined the “Premium Partners program” and got approved for group discount rate.
6 p. [% M' P. h4 s4 E
6 }& g* i& f2 dThe tickets at the gate are $25 for adults and $15 for children, but with this online program, Adult tickets come up to $16 and Children’s Tickets come up to $10 for the WHOLE run of faire, which is a VERY great discount compared to the prices at the gate. There is a $1.35 online transaction fee for each ticket. It is almost a 35% off discount.
& i& x# k; J& ~. H: `Please note that for the online purchases, a working printer is required to be able to print out your tickets. ; d8 o3 K( i# C% E' |
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