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MEI-HSIU 發表於 2005-8-7 07:24:49 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 29580|回覆: 31
2 ~5 k9 l$ Y) z6 l! g我是8/25日要到西德州農工A&M州立大學就讀的學生...
9 A4 O8 B8 }' g3 x6 W第一次到這網站...我想問問尋找有沒有跟我一樣..2 g4 K4 N4 N* q0 J5 m
" N  L' P. E9 \, {我想多多認識大家.....
t21yi98 發表於 2005-8-7 08:11:24 | 顯示全部樓層
喉∼甭緊張的啦4 i' K2 [- M. ~% J+ V* l1 b
您馬上就會感受到, 四海之內皆華人的恐怖螞蟻公式
' g0 {- z* u& C/ u8 ?" ]) w$ n西農工也是有台灣同鞋會的哪
( B9 F+ G& G& e你們那邊華人也不在少數勒( ?4 @% `- x3 U9 Q, E" g
angelyan 發表於 2005-8-7 12:41:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原來真的是四海之內皆兄弟) G5 e7 P- R* \% y/ c! H' o; Z
我也是出國之後才知道  到處都有華人朋友
' f/ q* }. h# ~/ h# g5 A聽說連歐洲那邊也是喔
9 w* H2 r% D  s2 \. k
4 ]% g0 n( z0 P2 }1 G4 J所以新朋友Mei Hsiu別害怕
: j9 ^! _( u( o- j0 u5 z1 W' B如果你有比較general的出國問題
7 T- [+ W1 o1 @8 n可以先在此發問
Blueted 發表於 2005-8-7 22:47:12 | 顯示全部樓層
他們有個中國同學會 不過不知道還在不在2 _4 l  y4 D1 ~1 a2 v! D( Y
已經有跟他們會長聯絡 會盡快幫你問到消息
itin 發表於 2005-8-7 22:53:18 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| MEI-HSIU 發表於 2005-8-8 07:09:38 | 顯示全部樓層
感覺真的很好耶...好高興得到大家的回覆....讓我開始有放心的感覺了.../ d9 @( S2 D6 v
:clap::clap:我如果還有問題一定會在請求資源喔!!!: u% ?/ ?* k# X- h0 k  h" v8 D
Blueted 發表於 2005-8-8 07:26:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by itin at 2005-8-7 10:53 PM:4 d, q) [+ b: j$ D) ^

7 L* b  z0 L( A0 {' I4 ], F. s8 Q$ A2 ~7 N+ I& U! v6 ~4 {2 c  ?& _8 P8 G! u8 Y
那要看你的學長人如何囉..... ^^
itin 發表於 2005-8-8 09:02:14 | 顯示全部樓層
tudole 發表於 2005-8-8 09:28:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Please don't mix your life experience in California with other states... it could be very misleading. I used to study in university of Oklahoma in Norman. The life there is nothing close to life in California. The number of Taiwaness student only decreases over years.  I flown once with private airplane to Amarillo; I can imagine that life can be very challenging to Taiwaness students. However, it doesn't mean that it is not survivable. Do your best preparation before you go there, make sure you get contacted with their Chinese student association and arrange the airport pick up and a temporary shelter. You definitly need a car and a valid driver's license. Also, you need someone to drive you around to look for your housing and do your banking. So, be tough, my friends! This could be a good chance for you to learn to live independently... you might get a nice experience during your stay.
itin 發表於 2005-8-8 17:41:20 | 顯示全部樓層
Originally posted by tudole at 2005-8-8 09:28 AM:
) b% e" ~! i* KPlease don't mix your life experience in California with other states... it could be very misleading. I used to study in university of Oklahoma in Norman. The life there is nothing close to life in ...
6 e! Y) H$ g2 s" O- W( H6 H
: r! p. L7 T: y' n- S4 T
好像跟標題沒啥關係耶....' I6 {- p" B* @+ c

' X; H: w/ ~# w) t2 h他要去的是德州...而且也只是想認識農工大學的人....' A  A& [; r$ I- C" Y8 u" J/ u3 }. k
. ~4 s1 @2 @8 L8 E. s& a, b
=        =|
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