作者: yushihying
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单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach
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[申請作業] I need HELP

yushihyi 發表於 2006-7-21 08:12:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 9444|回覆: 5
0 t8 T  P) z) z% ^3 G2 D& `2 J, G- d+ G! sUCSF還是沒有通知我到底有沒有宿舍
" Y6 G- G  Y- a$ L, m每次打電話得到的答案就是入住前6-8週會電話或e-mail通知," D1 w9 r! ?7 U) a5 [/ Y$ Z" f
, a: `; @$ ]/ |5 o$ `3 p竟然到現在還沒有消息6 M' g) D  `; L  g6 B- t
上星期好不容易拜託Housing Office的職員這星期e-mail給我消息,
* P" ^2 k  i; f5 L# O9 L對方也說好,( \' R# x5 @, s9 p

, r4 i% X& C, y! \7 R" ^. ~) e+ X$ K4 f8 ^1 P7 Q4 m% j3 n* t% o# P* d
請問還有什麼方法可以逼他們快點給我宿舍消息ㄚ...?4 \4 V' W2 W8 _
4 a) O' r# r! l, q* ~請問誰能幫我用力逼問一下Housing Officeㄋ...?
3 C2 y; F" }; Q$ s5 u; b, s
hotddt 發表於 2006-7-21 10:44:36 | 顯示全部樓層
2 a2 P. h8 i. S妳還在台灣ㄇ% b: {1 t# {0 P' _2 s, e5 R1 \

, Y: e; {  `2 _有蠻有UCSF的同學出個聲音幫幫忙的呀!!!!$ V  i* p; q3 C1 Y9 R! `% e0 @( @$ p
9 }3 g/ c( G6 p" c9 M) a
[ 本帖最後由 hotddt 於 2006-7-21 10:46 AM 編輯 ]
ns3068 發表於 2006-7-21 12:14:40 | 顯示全部樓層
hello!$ o$ L2 X. [+ C) r3 K; m& K
I am now staying in UCSF housing apartment.- r7 S2 O. u8 t( n& @
Unfortunately, the other new-arrival PhD, Kiwi, had the similar condition.1 G0 x( k) M4 D* H2 I9 J0 Y
The staff is not"helpful" as you might think. There is a new director now. Even though, the previous director is not as friendly also.
2 L& s. }1 P& iI even called for Kiwe, but they want Kiwi to call himself.
1 @2 h1 C. u0 h- R3 b3 o( cMy suggestion is  to find a short-term sublease for a while ( if you really want to stay in UCSF housing) and wait for their information. If you are coming alone, it is not difficult to find a shared apartment in this time of year.
hotddt 發表於 2006-7-21 22:42:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ns3068 於 2006-7-21 12:14 PM 發表" _  W. k  M( i: q  P5 z
7 v+ S2 `9 ?! X6 y8 g5 {$ `2 q% |2 CI am now staying in UCSF housing apartment.
$ B# I! P6 C# Y/ ^( q3 [Unfortunately, the other new-arrival PhD, Kiwi, had the similar condition.) a. o: g* i2 \1 v! I1 `( S2 q$ I) n
The staff is not"helpful" as you might think. There is a n ...
1 V7 b* d" j; G- |+ _' j  l
+ B8 ~# C$ \' v; I% Q9 U7 X! a
沒想到UCSF的辦事方式這麼官僚呀,看來學生只有自求多福嚕, l' D# ?* m  C& Z8 q

7 B7 s) t3 ^5 C( v. x感謝你在這個小園地裡貢獻
yushihyi 發表於 2006-7-22 23:35:08 | 顯示全部樓層


3 T+ B" G; _$ F+ O# z- M! h- v選是選好了,但仍要等最後確定哪一間...
& @/ V6 Q! ~/ d; I$ u& k& p$ F6 y至少可以放心一點!: r* a" ^0 [4 Q% V
- Y5 [+ U5 M- R, j$ m- `8 k; Y謝謝大家的意見與幫忙
ns3068 發表於 2006-7-24 11:32:25 | 顯示全部樓層
1 T: w. ~, k7 B. x/ l! }. Ajust to make sure the date with the housing office.
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