作者: Ling
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单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach
爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租900爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租900
爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租850爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租850


Ling 發表於 2008-2-11 01:50:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4507|回覆: 0
9 u2 _7 X$ p, I* Z+ V8 v% X
3 |( w' b3 G" L) X" F0 R! V對于這個面試時的必考題我們一定要有所準備,下面是一些例句,對大家的面試會有幫助。3 T3 m" ~- g: u, h# L+ m! n& p; @7 C

3 r9 \$ ]( W' v, c$ u-How do you see my skills fitting in with your company?
9 m0 z9 J  q: i' g7 h* R% n-What type of training opportunities do you offer within the first 6 months? What about after that?
! Z3 E+ n3 I, B5 n# D-Do you offer international opportunity?
! @+ T0 i, D! y) }) i3 Q) ?-How would you describe your firm culture? : Y! ~: V) z; A- L  ^
-What are the work hours (proceed with caution)?
9 g2 [2 I% a/ T3 f2 Z-Why is this position open? / `, j8 ^4 C% P: y: _: n
-What is the career ladder for someone who starts out in this position?
; C1 {) K# h. _9 X/ w2 \; ^) ]* {-Who will I be reporting to and how will my work be judged? " \9 R5 L) r4 y( i7 u8 J& j% c6 ]
-Is there anything that might deter us from moving forward to the next step in the interview process?
$ Q# _- o% d2 D% m4 [-How do I rank against other people you are interviewing? 3 L* G* W9 u2 R; q1 P, X
-What do you enjoy most about working for the company? How long have you worked for the company? ' h7 J$ A( U+ v
-What is one thing you would change about this company and why?
- J6 o) q9 o5 m5 e5 P" E-What does it take to be successful in this position?
( ~7 X) w# R4 k/ C-What are the top 3 goals of the department? What are the top 3 goals for the company?
6 H! h) s, b- @" s. q-What are some benchmarks for my first 3/6/12 months on the job?
4 j8 G% B% J  O# b-Describe an employee who does really well here. 9 H" V( h( S8 u& Y( T8 H% ?
-Tell me about some goals for the company over the next 1-3 years and beyond...
9 e# K. H; w6 i$ b8 b-What kind of professional development opportunities have you offered/supported? ) W  Y' m, @& l4 r$ s$ k' E
-Walk me through a day in the life of a (position)...
& p$ }  z- V9 C9 V! H-What contributions can I make in this position?
9 L: W5 B8 u3 ~: J! w-Where does the company (or department) plan to be in 1/3/5 years?
/ h& T( y( Y4 E; }-What have been some of the common or typical post-internship paths that have been taken by my predecesors? 2 D7 y. @) X1 f1 X( }7 a4 {
-What goals/hopes does management have for me and my position? 3 Z! E$ m0 z' Z' O
-If hired, what advice or suggestions would you give me? - [& R$ e  [6 N
-What are the attributes/actions/accomplishments of those who set themselves apart here?
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