作者: ocean350
檢視: 6573|回覆: 0


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单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach单人房间出租 Summer/Fall 2024 - 距离CSULB 1.9mi Long Beach
爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租900爾灣 Turtle Rock 好區雅房出租900
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[Deals] SFO to TPE on China Airlines $495+$66(tax)

ocean350 發表於 2010-1-25 20:59:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 6573|回覆: 0
i might fly if i can find a fake girlfriend.
( }  r. J0 m, ? ... omotionen000606.htm
' M3 d! D% ^9 A* j1 P1 b7 U6 o& h6 i% J$ g0 X2 g$ J
if u wanna fly and u can pretend to be my fake gf at the counter....4 K. i. R1 p+ x: U# i
please contact me.
/ Q$ g% L! I4 W.
, J, D4 g/ A+ E# A
6 m' L/ i/ E# x  R: O: ~0 W! }outbound: 2/14/2010
/ w4 F$ G% M1 ?; @. ?return: prefer around 2/28/2010
' c+ a, j6 V+ R& z. A* A(the rule says, we need to leave and return on the same day)9 F  t, y/ E3 L
thanks,$ d/ V2 }7 U: ?: p7 E& r; g$ y! v9 @
7 W) \; X2 Y7 e  Q, t% Y8 e+ F1 }: i. |: |; @' @
[ 本帖最後由 ocean350 於 2010-1-25 09:00 PM 編輯 ]
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