作者: downtown
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[Deals] Frappuccino Happy Hour @ Starbucks

downtown 發表於 2010-5-5 12:23:44 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4408|回覆: 0
起始時間: 2010年5月7日 15:00
3 g6 L& t; }' D% ~/ X' k結束時間: 2010年5月16日 17:00 ) N- a( R) t3 \" ~. f$ Q
地點: Your Local Starbucks 8 E  U3 C  V; n, G( `* Q) t5 ?! j
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Join us for Happy Hour! From May 7-May 16, come to a participating Starbucks store between 3-5pm and get your NEW however-you-want-it Frappuccino® blended beverage for half-price! You can choose from one of our favorites such as the Soy Strawberries & Crème, the Extra Coffee Caramel, or the Mocha Light. Or, you can completely create your own using your favorite ingredients so that you can have your favorite treat just the way you want it.
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