作者: hardcat
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[Deals] 买2盒 Senseo Pods coffee get a free NEW Machine

hardcat 發表於 2010-9-13 07:03:23 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4902|回覆: 0
Amazon offers a Free Senseo Machine when you purchase 2 cases of pods and enter code FREEMAC4 at checkout. Total may be from as low as $36 for 2x Senseo Dark Roast Coffee Pods, 18-cnt, 4-pk (144 pods) + the Senseo Machine. Shipping is free.9 D/ ]3 @: q8 q6 Y2 h& g/ ^# y
•Click Here•Place a check in the box next to the Senseo Machine2 `( U% E7 R( f: i% f7 H
•Place a check in the box next to the Coffee of your choice
  y6 L: u' L: M•Click “Add to Cart”
" ]# Y  X1 E% Z$ r% c. F/ N: m0 F•Click “edit shopping cart”
3 x$ G7 P& h. x1 x* U•Change quantity to 2 and click “update”5 z. i- c9 R5 k0 H9 q4 w+ U
•Proceed to checkout
0 q" n% _2 F* ]•Enter code FREEMAC4 in the promo code box
) C  A' k5 z+ Q8 G* N; R6 [•Total should reflect 2 pks of coffee and the Machine should be free
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