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[Deals] Up to 81% off kids' hardcover books at Amazon: Deals from $3

hardcat 發表於 2010-10-21 21:58:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 5125|回覆: 0
本帖最後由 hardcat 於 2010-10-21 11:03 PM 編輯 1 k' G6 S2 `  N2 ^, B9 o
" g! W+ p3 m0 }& {. x4 U/ \
Amazon takes up to 81% off a selection of kids' hardcover books:
+ K/ E1 [0 j. p: T$ ]Dolores Meets Her Match  for $3.6
+ Y% d0 S3 N6 k0 u9 q3 NLimpopo Lullaby for $3.64
2 T9 F/ J  U1 @$ f) QDiamond in the Snow for $4.19
6 Z) g7 {+ _. HYum Yum!: What Fun! for $4.26$ |# r$ G+ W, a* Z; C- _
•browse all discounted children's books at Amazon1 ~4 K) Y1 y' i/ z+ t9 w+ m
7 Q& I( |' y, M4 R1 M9 d: H
and Amazon has the Razor A3 Kick Scooter in Red for $16.99.It's designed for children ages 6 and older and supports up to 143-lbs. this item will not ship for 2 to 4 weeks.
- B' I' ^  b! J
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