作者: honeydanny
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[Deals] PS3 PlayStation Move Starter Bundle $80

honeydanny 發表於 2011-4-29 21:18:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4651|回覆: 0 ... P2N1X9NJAEAC69&
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/ i- n9 j' y, W) k* B; QOutfit your Playstation with everything you need to make yourself into the ultimate controller thanks to the Playstation Move Starter Bundle.
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& A+ E. z; S- V1 u1 x+ p5 pWith everything from the Playstation Move controller to the video game Sports Champion, the bundle lets you enjoy motion-sensor gameplay with the Playstation 3's cutting edge graphics.
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For $16 off the next lowest price after $3.99 shipping, this deal lets you go through the motions on a brand new line of PS3 games!
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