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[其他] OPT與H1B時機整理

shinji 發表於 2007-7-26 21:42:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 13130|回覆: 4
轉自* D- y, L( u! ?2 o0 C4 @) q
1 E% i; N9 K: {, o: y, ]+ J2 Z
首先,先來個錯誤的案例,這裡只是個通例,大家看看就好;+ L: {' K$ g6 B1 ]  L6 a: Z* G
A先生在2006/6畢業後隨即繳交opt,於是開始找工作。  k2 P8 {+ \3 M* X- Z( P* u2 c
9 |6 P' ~; @$ a. W; r$ O9 k3 |4 x2006/6的某一天,07年的簽證已告用罄,也就同時宣告了A先生的不順之路。
5 V5 t8 P; l( o9 _怎麼說呢?因為很明顯的他的opt只能用一整年,也就是2007/6~2007/10之間,他將會有一個gap,* G5 H3 H& ^1 X0 R) O
既沒有opt也沒有工作簽證。基本上,公司不會願意等你這四個月(不過還是有機會)。6 t: f& Q, W2 [7 a
但是他如果早點file出去,並趕在六月前找到工作的話,那機會還是會大很多,但是1 A# R! H* c. r$ F; c
6 t% D. J4 ^! F2 A$ y, t
1 D) I4 _( d" v/ W! N9 A% m# J所以給各位的建議是,10~2月可能是比較安全的file opt時間,' `5 m- n8 H" ^4 }
因為你只要在4月前找到工作,你就可以順利拿到簽證。& M$ b# H! K1 p4 b
Hua 發表於 2007-7-27 10:40:40 | 顯示全部樓層
arwenwu 發表於 2008-2-2 20:15:40 | 顯示全部樓層
lorenchenkimo 發表於 2008-2-2 21:22:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Kenny_lee 發表於 2008-2-2 22:51:17 | 顯示全部樓層
There is another way to work without H1-B. You should ask your employer to sponsor your green card. If the company is willing to do so, then you can apply EB green card right away even if you are on OPT. Once you got your labor cert, you can work for any company you like as long as the job duty is similiar and has been with the company for 6 months. However, you need to qualify for EB2 green card which requires master degree or bachelor + 5 year work experience (experience related to the field only) because EB2 has not waiting period of quota, but EB3 has a very long wait period.
1 c+ y1 M- O8 y# D* _. }; {
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