作者: Lance
檢視: 8884|回覆: 7


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For new life in SF

Lance 發表於 2006-7-12 18:42:04 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 8884|回覆: 7
Dear All:3 W4 c1 R, Y* [( F
Hi! My name is Liang-Chih, Liu from Taiwan. I am a surgeon for oncology especially breast cancer and thyroid cancer& ?; E# s% p! ]( b: G( `
and  will be a postdoctoral research scholar in Mount Zion Cancer Center this September for one year.I need to rent
/ O& k7 F  n! @9 T# @an apartment( one-bed room).Because of studying there, the apartment is better located near the cancer center
+ F1 O  c  e2 z% A! o2 land  also need a parking space for the car. I plan to be going to SF after August-15-2006.   3 c6 V% G; P5 ~% A* H
It is the first time to be there for me, so I have to make many arrangements of living in San Francisco and am thirsty
! ^/ @0 h1 A; b2 k# S4 G( [, S9 I0 Wfor any information about life in SF.  It is nice to contact you all and thanks for your helps. I hope I have a new and
4 r5 I" M7 z4 tperfect experience there. Please contact me if you have any advise or recommendation for me.Thanks a lot.    % h* d0 w- H5 \
" A( S4 h6 t; m( Z; p2 X! v7 F* Y: H
Best regards+ h. k' C% }4 Q; O% A: W0 W1 i
# {* w/ H$ I3 Z2 I, d
Liang-Chih Liu ( Lance Liu )0 `* O' R9 |" p+ y" V( T: q2 r
# ]5 s9 C! [$ M. j! |
Cell phone:+886-929034008. B, s" v+ b: y& d5 T ]; ~3 \: f8 c7 U; [0 }+ z! U
hotddt 發表於 2006-7-12 19:30:44 | 顯示全部樓層
cancer center 在舊金山哪裡呀!!!!!
 樓主| Lance 發表於 2006-7-12 19:34:27 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #2 hotddt 的帖子

UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion | 1600 Divisadero Street | San Francisco, CA 94115 | 415-567-6600
Hua 發表於 2006-7-12 19:47:58 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| Lance 發表於 2006-7-12 19:56:07 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #4 Hua 的帖子

千頭萬緒,人生地不熟,所有事如房子,駕照,開戶........% R: O) w" z, {9 n" C
請不吝賜教, Thanks a lot!!!!!
chemery 發表於 2006-7-12 22:18:26 | 顯示全部樓層
; R" V& f5 a- ]1 c' C  X( s" T3 w然後, 再去找房子(房子總是自己看過, 比較好吧), 開戶, 考駕照 (國際駕照可以先用一陣子) ....
2 N( J" a1 e3 e- C. o# q6 I5 R& j- o* X7 z3 w% q& Z

9 x7 W: r8 E; t/ H3 ~看有沒有親友處可以借住, 若沒有, 可能要先住旅館吧.
* j$ m* ^- i" A1 ^+ h: c' ]' A
& R6 W" }; t4 `" c2 c再請看有沒有台灣同學會的人出面, 帶你四處去認識一下環境 ~~~
$ }$ ?4 \% J; N! {1 h# M. k: V' |2 B( o3 @5 F2 }. L! N6 x, P# j
1 k* _9 q( \$ a1 `9 p
! R0 ?0 \6 j  ^# @
+ m. Q- E, r/ l$ O" \. X
千頭萬緒, 一件一件慢慢來 ~~~
* m( }2 d8 o5 L# y9 l( I& N大家都是這麼走過來的 .   3 A: h9 c8 Z/ T( F0 i2 W
. Y0 `+ ]7 Z$ f: ~2 L3 {* G

" W- d3 f! S1 k7 i4 _4 H
  J0 N: n/ w! `3 T: ^( ?
! u7 y9 Z- V# A/ {( L" r9 _$ E$ E0 o$ T! M( T

; S( }% ^! O" D3 T3 d1 g* Y
2 p! W2 S* A, g( K& L; ]  |9 k======================================
& A: A' G3 F" Q- s# c% H" yMay
Hua 發表於 2006-7-12 22:39:21 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Lance 於 2006-7-12 07:56 PM 發表
6 ~+ c0 ]( Z# s6 k* `/ M; T千頭萬緒,人生地不熟,所有事如房子,駕照,開戶........
+ Z/ I2 T$ z- I0 t9 L請不吝賜教, Thanks a lot!!!!!
$ g4 V9 b1 }$ F6 Q5 w5 x! }
) L! z. ^- A8 k+ N: t0 o我們都可以幫忙回答的
ns3068 發表於 2006-7-13 16:53:04 | 顯示全部樓層
Actually there are some people already in UCSF.6 ]9 V$ n( g. u3 K! o
You can contact Dr Chen.(, who is now the president of our Taiwan students association.
+ j( {- _, B- ]! h3 pAlso Dr Lin (Chest man) ( is in Mt Zion too.% q/ n% ~) I' u; ~& v
I am a neurosurgeon in Parnassus campus (, }9 B, ]: N4 O
You can contact any of us. We will try to help you.
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