作者: Erica_Chien
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Erica_Ch 發表於 2006-8-6 07:40:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 9432|回覆: 2
各位先進好..如題..+ D( F$ @" x9 Z' o: o$ i
想問他是用哪一本教科書的,我想在台灣找一本中文版的參考書,  t1 ~" Q, F5 C7 k% G6 x, _
% y+ i9 M6 u! j5 g: @. R7 u' b) W- b
: A9 @, J0 G. T6 |2 q5 X( n另外,請問各位學長姐:Engineering Statistics 難不難啊,
- _) l+ H% F9 r' v( j還是上Applied Graph Theory 好呢?0 k. f& c: a  Z! Q0 @2 E) T

7 m( p4 Q- I( k8 g3 U* v) D- X
Erica_Ch 發表於 2006-8-6 07:48:37 | 顯示全部樓層
5 \" i5 |' a7 t1 Y2 R8 M3 }7 X) y- \
原帖由 Erica_Chien 於 2006-8-6 07:40 AM 發表8 u9 x2 d3 m9 V9 S5 S8 v
7 D3 c' _& i2 R- _9 ~* W* R5 v想問他是用哪一本教科書的,我想在台灣找一本中文版的參考書,
) g9 ^( c' y2 a3 H- u0 c以期順利過關..  h. i/ N7 u5 Z+ T- E/ ]

/ C7 E+ b+ [' c( I另外,請問各位學長姐:Engineering Statistics 難不難啊,  m8 T1 a+ W% J# V7 M0 L
還是上Applied Graph Theory 好呢?
0 I1 P( ?9 Y6 t# [7 H5 ~1 C$ c- G: H  x4 w8 g( V+ _; @
zidkenu 發表於 2006-8-6 21:50:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi, the book is9 O$ {# R6 O& m' ^& h4 [1 Z/ v  B
Engineering Electromagnetics with CD, by William H. Hayt, John A. Buck, 7 edition (January 20, 2005), ISBN: 0073104639
( f% W: p0 I8 d" {No, I suggest you read English book, because in the exam/test, you will face English questions.$ U4 c8 p1 |: N- r" S
Nickel's EM class is VERY HARD!!! I suggest you take it not in your first quarter, because you won't have enough time to study, no time to study such a hard class.
( d0 n  \3 ^, o8 h4 l+ N
# g; ^  z4 S( h! K1 y6 Y- ?' k. bEngineering Statistics??? Applied Graph Theory ???
8 K: ]6 [( b! hI don't know these classes, never heard any people took those before, 2 S( ~& C  N8 r, \; `% l
so you will not be able to get previous notes/test questions.8 G" a: _5 n. l

* P4 Q2 ?! h, u( B" w' ]Why don't you choose these two, most students take these two as part of the 4 Math required classes: Applied Mathematics II (2 units) taught by Metwally/ k4 _, y. J( h6 Y3 M, h; [
Dr. Metwally is nice,  it is a ok class and the math will be advanced engineering math ...
' i4 i5 D; l. a/ ?- A# v9 I, mLinear Algebra I (2 units) taught by Garrison& r6 p  {1 C* W4 }
Dr. Garrison is a tough, his exam is always hard, the class is all about matrix manipulations.
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