作者: toughrose
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[美東] Welcome to my birthday party tomorrow

toughros 發表於 2006-8-8 10:13:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 7789|回覆: 0
My coming birthday

Welcome to my birthday party tomorrow!  As long as you don’t ask me my age!
Just add my msn and come to join us.
It had been almost a year since last time I talked to you guys via my msn.  Tomorrow from 9am-5pm eastern time (9pm-5am Taiwan time) I invite you to join me and my friends to have great party ever.  This year it is really special to me few of my best friends that I lost contact and we reunited once more.  In addition, our AAWSC has begun to expend its network and hopefully we will make our group greater.  I am looking forward to see you at my birthday party.  Come no matter if you know me or not.

Angel, AAWSC

All you need to do is to add my msn and come to say hello.  See you there!
Time: 9am-5pm eastern time
Place: My msn
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