作者: kokoll
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[Deals] 144 Nature Valley Bars for $20.17

kokoll 發表於 2010-5-20 18:50:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4656|回覆: 0
144 Nature Valley Bars for 20.17 shipped at Much Much cheaper then Costco.0 K6 u$ d7 ?& v" m* q( v
+ W1 i9 ~# g; T# h0 B
How to get it:
! H* S5 h3 n; qClick Here and refresh page until you see "Save $10 on Nature Valley Variety pack" ! n* a1 K: Y/ T8 j
Click on the coupon to be taken to item page - `' p# x$ e1 s7 `! S& ~) U
Click on "subscribe now" and proceed through checkout ( i; n8 c  N1 G! |  W
Total should be $20.17 # c6 g0 Y. Y- d
7 Z: Y7 m; I7 p( u  w+ N/ c9 |
The flavors included:7 C& K+ f2 \5 E
Oats 'n Honey : f6 m6 r9 z1 k& j' n! H
Peanut Butter
3 S% A# y1 G: d, R; H9 ?Maple Brown Sugar * k  m. w6 h- L& j% H

' x! I2 T6 {, D; h  h& |And the 8-pack of Betty Crocker Warm Delights Desserts for $6.50 with free shipping after applying a $7 coupon and utilizing subscribe and save.
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