作者: anne
檢視: 4948|回覆: 0


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[Deals] Enjoy 3 days & 2 nights Vacation

anne 發表於 2010-7-27 13:02:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
檢視: 4948|回覆: 0
Do you want to enjoy one of the best resort areas in North America? You can pick any city you want to stay at from California to Mexico. I am currently a student and I just won a 3 day and 2 night vacation from Toyota. I do not have the financial means and the time to take this vacation, so I am trying to sell it for $150 for the total cost. If you are worried that this is a scam, I can help you contact the company called Trip Incentives and make the reservation for you. After your hotel is reserved, then you can pay me. This offer is available until July 2011.  U  k6 x5 }( X

8 @  c' [6 j1 V: f5 d$ O# m; yPlease contact me at my e-mail: Don't worry, this is not a scam!
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